Contact Us Today For Premier Idaho Falls Insulation Services
When it comes to saving money and energy year round, few things are as important as the energy saving potential of your home. Most people lose an excessive amount of energy year round due to subpar insulation products and services. Air can escape or enter your home through various damaged areas or improperly sealed ventilation systems. Poor insulation products and services can also result in mold and rot, which are not only detrimental to your home’s integrity, they’re also potential health risks!

Eco Insulation is here to solve these problems.
We can provide A Full Home Audit, establishing exactly how much you are losing through poor quality insulation, and where. Once the audit is complete, we can get to work on solving the problem. We provide a wide range of services, including:
- Air Sealing: We will make sure all areas of your home are properly sealed off.
- Attic Ventilation: We can install baffles in your attic, ensuring that air is properly flowing in a way that doesn’t reduce your home’s energy saving potential, but does mitigate against the accumulation of moisture, preventing mold and rot.
- Duct Sealing: We will ensure that your ducts are air tight so that you get the most out of them.
- Fiberglass Insulation: Eco Insulation provides green, energy-efficient fiberglass insulation. Not only will this help keep your home warm during the winter and cool during the summer, it is also beneficial for the environment!
Looking to improve your home’s energy saving potential and your own personal comfort level? Contact Eco Insulation today! With us, you can rest assured your home is in the care of the professionals you can rely on.